World's Largest Buyer of Buddy L Toys & Sturditoy Trucks
$ Highest Prices Paid $
Partial Listing of Sturditoy Trucks Wanted:
1926 Sturditoy Dump Truck, 1926 Red
Sturditoy Armored Truck, Antique 1929
Sturditoy U. S Army Truck, 1930 Sturditoy
U S Mail Truck, 1925 Sturditoy American
Railway Express Truck, Vintage Sturditoy
Fire Truck, old Large Red Sturditoy Water
Tower Auto,1932 Large Sturditoy Pumper,
1927 Sturditoy Dairy Truck, 1926 Green
Sturditoy Oil Company Truck 1929 Black
Sturditoy Coal Truck, & all Large Sturditoy
Trucks Manufactured Between 1926-1933
Contact us with your vintage Sturditoy
truck or antique Buddy L truck for sale
Do you have a antique Sturditoy dump
truck or Buddy L dump truck for sale ?
Contact The Buddy L Museum Today
1920's Sturditoy Police
Department Truck
Old Orange Sturditoy
Traveling Store Truck
Free Appraisals
Free Appraisals
Buddy L Museum the world's leading authority of vintage Sturditoy trucks and old Sturditoy
catalogs. Presently paying 40%-80% more for vintage toy trucks and prewar Buddy L Toys
than anybody in the country including antique dealers, ebay and private collectors Contact
us with all your antique toy trucks for sale. To view our Keystone Toy Truck gallery click on
the highlighted links throughout our website. If you need advice selling your old toy trucks
e-mail us for more information. Helping collectors since 1968, Buddy L Museum the most
prestigious name in pressed steel toys. Old Buddy L Toys wanted for immediate purchase
Please e-mail photos of your Sturditoy trucks and old Buddy L toys regardless of condition
Vintage Buddy L Toys Link
Old Buddy L Truck Photo
Sturditoy toys wanted along with all prewar vintage toy trucks. Your antique toy trucks
and large old toy trucks are important to us. Buying any Buddy L dump truck, green
Sturditoy dump truck, old Buddy L toys and Buddy L trucks in good condition. Email
photos of your vintage toy car or keystone toy truck for a free evaluation. Helping
Sturditoy and Buddy L Collectors buy sell and trade toys for more than half a Century
We are the largest buyer of Sturditoy vintage toy trucks and all large antique toy trucks manufactured
by the Buddy L factory. Paying thousands of dollars of old toy trucks in good or better condition If you
have a black Buddy L dump truck or green Sturditoy dump truck for sale contact us Your Buddy L toy
truck or old Sturditoy Truck is important to us, e-mail us for a free evaluation Seeking information on
your big prewar Keystone toy truck, vintage toy car or any other large antique toy truck, write us today
Sturditoy toy trucks wanted in any condition. Free Appraisals Paying 65% - 90% more
than antique dealers, eBay & private collectors Buddy L Museum the most trusted name
in vintage toy trucks & pressed steel toys Sturditoy Trucks for sale Buddy L toy museum
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toys wanted buying
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1925 Sturditoy Fire Truck For Sale Buddy L Toy Museum
Buying Vintage Sturditoy Trucks Any Condition Buddy L Museum
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